Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

523 - Master's in Sociology of Public and Social Policy

67504 - Economics and the policy of public intervention

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
67504 - Economics and the policy of public intervention
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
523 - Master's in Sociology of Public and Social Policy
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this course is based on students' active learning, lectures on rigorous basic contents of the most consolidated topics and methods used in Public Economics and Political Economy, and the outline of some of the most innovative research lines.

In addition to working on the course contents, the followed methodology is of great importance since it establishes a series of guidelines, criteria and instruments that can be used to process rigorously the delivery of analytical arguments,  the reception of information, and its processing and application.

Finally, a set of values ​​and attitudes are also basic in all learning tasks. In that sense, they promote the role of scientific knowledge as an instrument to detect and solve economic and social problems, to recognize the quality of ideas based on scientific, social and ethical criteria, and to encourage curiosity, honesty and intellectual restlessness in relation to the ideas and theories of Political Economy.

The relationship between students and teachers during the course is based on mutual trust, commitment and reciprocity.

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes the following learning tasks: 

  • Lectures: They will consist of the teacher's explanations completed by the exchange of dialogues, reflections and contrast of ideas with the students. These presentations will seek the understanding of theories, concepts and basic methods of Public Economy and Political Economy. They will inform the students of the basic and complementary bibliography that is considered appropriate for the preparation and study of each topic.
  • Practical cases: After the presentation of each one of the topics, a set of practical cases will be handed on the courses of Public Economy and Political Economy. Students will do research, review and analysis of documents, databases or websites relevant to complete these exercises, as well as participate in its solving in class. It is expected that students will show their analytical, methodological and reflective abilities and will be able to apply correctly the concepts, theories and methods taught by the teachers.
  • Exercises and commentaries 
  • Seminars and lectures of external experts: 
  • The presentation of certain topics of investigation or of highly specialized professional knowledge will be delivered by competent professionals, who allow students to become familiar and analyze the contents.  
  • Tutorials: The daily activities carried out in the classroom will be complemented with tutorials, either individually or collectively, to: 
    • Clarify doubts about the contents and methods of the course
    • Help to structure the writing and presentation of the exercises
    • Stimulate possible lines of research in the framework of the Master's dissertation
    • Promote the assessment of the teaching-learning context of the course

We add, to close this section, some bibliographical references that can contribute to the learning of students enrolled in Economics and politics of public intervention:

  • Basic 

- Anisi, David. Jerarquía, mercado, valores : una reflexión económica sobre el poder / David Anisi. Madrid : Alianza, D.L. 1992.
- Arias, Xose Carlos. La formación de la política económica / Xose Carlos Arias. - [1a ed.] Madrid : Civitas, 1996.
- Política económica : elaboración, objetivos e instrumentos / Juan R. Cuadrado Roura, director ; [autores], Tomás Mancha ... [et al.] . 5ª ed. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, [2015].
- Heath, Joseph. Lucro sucio : economía para los que odian el capitalismo / Joseph Heath ; traducción de Estrella Trincado. Madrid : Taurus, D.L. 2009.

  • Specialized: As mentioned, in the class explanations and in the specific syllabus of each subject, students will be informed of those readings that can contribute to deepen contents sen in the course. 

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:

Topic 1. Economics, politics, Political Economy and Economic Policy.
Topic 2. Justification and revision of public intervention.
Topic 3. Agents and rules.
Topic 4. Policies on growth and development.
Topic 5. Fiscal and budgetary policy.
Topic 6. New economic policies.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The precise timetable with the dates of the sessions and the presentation of papers and other activities will be communicated in the first session of the course.




Activity type

First session

Personal presentation and explanation of general objectives, methodology and evaluation system. Guided tour of the virtual space of the course (ADD)

Topic 1. Economics, politics and economic policy.

Second session

Discussion and analysis of the readings and solving of the practical cases of the topic 1

Topic 2. Justification and revision of public intervention.

Third session

Discussion and analysis of the readings and resolution of the practical cases of the topic 2

Finish topic 2 and start topic 3. Agents and rules.

Fourth sessión

Discussion and analysis of the readings and solving of the practical cases of topics 2 and 3.

Topic 3. Agents and rules.

Fifth session

Discussion and analysis of the readings and solving of the practical cases of the topic 3

Topic 4. Policies on growth and development.

Session six

Discussion and analysis of the readings and solving of the practical cases of the topic 4

Topic 5. Fiscal and budgetary policy.

Session seven

Discussion and analysis of the readings and solving of the practical cases of the topic 5

Topic 6. New economic policies.

Session eight

Discussion and analysis of the readings and solving of the practical cases of the topic 6

Work presentations and individual written test of the continuous assessment system


Each session, except the first and the last, will have two parts:

  • The first part (from 4:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.) will be devoted to discuss and comment, applying the arguments addressed in the course, the questions and exercises raised by teachers at the end of the previous session.
  • In the second part (from 6:15 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) the teacher will explain the main contents of each of the sessions, and introduce the materials and issues, discussed at the beginning of the subsequent session.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Anisi, David. Jerarquía, mercado, valores : una reflexión económica sobre el poder / David Anisi. Madrid : Alianza, D.L. 1992.
  • Arias, Xose Carlos. La formación de la política económica / Xose Carlos Arias. - [1a ed.] Madrid : Civitas, 1996.
  • Política económica : elaboración, objetivos e instrumentos / Juan R. Cuadrado Roura, director ; [autores], Tomás Mancha ... [et al.] . 5ª ed. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, [2015].
  • Heath, Joseph. Lucro sucio : economía para los que odian el capitalismo / Joseph Heath ; traducción de Estrella Trincado. Madrid : Taurus, D.L. 2009.